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- Computer | Website Design
- Investment Management
Instant Invoice N Cashbook merupakan program yang sangat sesuai digunakan untuk anda yang memiliki bisnis kecil. Instant Invoice itu sendiri berfungsi sebagai sarana yang lebih efektif untuk input data pada usaha yang anda kelola. Sedangkan Cashbook berfungsi sebagai sistem cepat dan mudah untuk mencetak dan mengirim semua faktur dan kutipan. Pengguna dapat dengan mudah untuk mencetak berbagai laporan seperti : Daftar faktur, faktur posisi, laporan pembayaran, daftar pelanggan, daftar produk dan beberapa fitur menarik lainnya.
Welcome to Instant Invoice N Cashbook, your essential companion tool if you own or operate a small business. We developed Instant Invoice N Cashbook to be a quick and simple tool to get you up and running with the minimum possible time and effort. Instant Invoice N Cashbook is a quick and easy system for the small business owner/operator to prepare, print and email all their Invoices and Quotations. At anytime, users can previw and print various reports like invoice listings, outstanding invoices, payment reports, customer list, product list and more.
Instant Invoice helps you keep track of who has paid you, who hasn't. You can easily send customer statement of accounts to them. You can use Instant Invoice on its own or fully integrated with Instant Cashbook. With Instant Cashbook integrated, you will be able to prepare a simple set of accounts and tax reports. You will thus be able to balance your bank, print payment/receipt vouchers and prepare a simple income and expenses statment for your business. If you report tax on an "Cash" basis, you can also furnish tax reports using Instant Cashbook.
• Accept partial payments for invoices.
• Can enable or disable Shipping address.
• Track customer payments against invoices.
• Able to insert and image logo or letterhead.
• View and print reports of outstanding invoices
• Copy contents from one document to another.
• Users can change all field labels to suit there needs.
• Support payment of multiple invoices in a single form.
• Prepare, print and email business invoices and quotations.
• Create new Invoices from quotation contents and vice versa.
• Generate customer statement of accounts for sending to customers
• Able to preview or documents and reports on screen before printing.
• Can change the Invoice display name to e.g to "Tax Invoice", "Bill" etc.
• Send invoices as pdf attachments without the need for any other software.
• View and print reports of invoice totals over a period including tax breakdown.
• Generate 3 dimensional graphical bar chart by month or by year for invoice totals.
• Record in invoice deposits paid, retainers, or other partial payments and balance due.
• Users can customize the number of columns they need in the invoice/ quotation body.
• Can key in items directly to the invoice/ quotation body or pick items from a product list.
• Build customer list on the fly. Meaning that your customer list is built up as you create new invoices.
• Can change the quotation display name to e.g "Quote", "Proposal", "Estimate" or any other appropriate name.
• Caters to users who do not bill or collect tax, user who bill a single tax level and users who bill 2 tax levels (e.g Canada).
• Now fully integrated with Instant CashBook allowing you to keep a simple set of accounts and balance your bank accounts.
• Prepare recurring invoices or subcription billing. Usefull it you need to automatically generate invoices at scheduled billing cycles.
• Able to send all documents and reports as an email attachment in (Adobe Acrobat) format. No additional export filters required.
• Build product list on the fly. Meaning that after you enter new items to your invoice or quotation, you can decide if you want to add it to your product list.
• Insert Paypal buttons emails when sending invoices allowing you to receive online payments. (You need to open a business account with Paypal which is free).
Windows Server 2003 | 2008 | 2008 R2
Windows XP | Vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10
All version : 32 - 64 Bit
Size : 7 MB
How to download on OneDrive Click here Important...!!! Click here to see how to download via Server OneDrive.
DOWNLOAD Pastikan anda telah membaca dengan baik cara download via Server OneDrive....!!! Make sure you have read the how to download via Server OneDrive....!!! Instant Invoice N Cashbook
DOWNLOAD Pastikan anda telah membaca dengan baik cara download via Server OneDrive....!!! Make sure you have read the how to download via Server OneDrive....!!! Activator
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