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- Investment Management
Canoco 5 is the latest generation of the very popular software for multivariate ordination analyses. Version 5 comes with completely integrated and much extended functionality of the earlier versions of the software. Full integration of data management, statistical analyses, and graphical presentation of the results allowed us to provide additional "Intelligence" to the new version, in the form of the Canoco adviser utility. Canoco adviser is a real expert system, offering suggestions about which analyses to run with your data, how to run them, and what is the best visual presentation of obtained results.
The work with Canoco 5 is centered around projects. Each project is based on a set of inter related data tables, so very often the Canoco 5 projects correspond to your research projects in a one to one relation. The data tables present in your project have firm mutual relations: beside the primary table (which is the one you create first), the other tables have their row identity bound to the rows of the primary table or to columns of any data table.
The latter possibility allows for e.g. the species functional traits to be stored alongside the data on community composition and environmental properties. To support these fixed relations between data tables, Canoco 5 has the notion of missing values. Another, even more important feature of the data tables in a Canoco 5 projects is their classification into compositional and non compositional (General) type, describing the nature of the data stored in a table.
If columns of a data table represent numeric variables measured in the same units (e.g. cover estimates, biomass values, presences and absences, as typical for community composition records), the data are compositional. It is important to identify the data type properly before you start creating analyses within the project, as the Canoco Adviser relies on them when recommending analyses to perform and appropriate options for chosen statistical methods.
You can create data tables either by importing them from Microsoft Excel sheet files or from Canoco 4.x format data files or by creating empty tables and entering the values within the spreadsheet editor of Canoco 5. Alternatively, you can import values into pre-sized empty tables from text files in TAB separated value or comma separated value formats. When each table is defined, either during the import or as a new empty table within the project, there are multiple features you might define for it.
You can specify how are the data formatted, whether the variables are all numeric or factors (these two types can be mixed in a single table), etc. Beside the obligatory table name, there are just two features that really matter and should be set right, both illustrated in the two following snapshots (one for creating a new project using the File/New project menu command, and another for an import from Excel, using the File/Import project/from Excel menu command).
Windows XP | Vista | 7
Version 32-bit only
Size : 38 MB
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