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Blue Iris merupakan program yang berfungsi untuk membuat CCTV dengan menggunakan external camera yang dapat bekerja secara serentak dengan beberapa camera yang terpisah. Memiliki kwalitas video yang dapat anda sesuaikan, fitur zoom, dan masih banyak lagi fitur menarik lainnya. Program ini sangat sesuai digunakan diberbagai usaha maupun pemakaian pribadi.
Keep an eye on your home, place of business, cars, and valuables, watch your pets or your kids, monitor your nanny, babysitter, or employees. Watch your door for mail, packages or visitors. Use motion detection, audio detection, or capture continuously. Receive alerts via loudspeaker, email or phone. Blue Iris is an application designed to help you put together a complex yet easy to use security system for your home or business.
It’s an application that can help you keep a close eye on everything that a camera is pointing at. It can handle up to 64 video recording devices such as webcams, camcorders, IP cams and others. With it, you are able to record video, audio and even capture screenshots.
Blue Iris displays a comprehensive interface which makes it easy to use and operate. You get toolbars that grant you quick access to all its important functions meaning that you can always keep track of what’s going on in the video feeds instead of wandering through the controls.
The application is capable of recognizing a connected camera but if that is not possible, then you have to manually add the device. Once it is connected, you can view it’s live feed and customize its settings.
Blue Iris offers you the possibility to set the video size, framerate and even activate motion detection among many other things. Multiple profiles can be customized and configured to fit different scenarios or environments. You can set the minimum object size to take into consideration as well as the contrast. Moreover, it’s possible to have the motion highlighted and trigger a group of cameras.
Each of the camera feeds is displayed in its own window. They all contain two indicator lights that signal you in case of mismatching settings or when motion is detected. If multiple cameras are connected to your computer you can view them at the same time. By default, they are displayed in a matrix style arrangement but you can choose to have one or four displayed in larger windows opposed to the rest.
Windows Vista | Seven | 8
64-bit only
Size : 56 MB
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